Gregory Hardiman’s map of Cambridge


The Gregory Hardiman books are set in Cambridge in the period 1825 to 1830.  As I live in Cambridge in the present day, one of the great joys of my research for the books has been exploring the layout of the town as it was two hundred years ago.  Some features are familiar – the river, of course, still winds its way through everything – but many others are not.  Cambridge was much smaller in those days, with more alleyways and tiny streets.  Churches have been demolished and built, and many colleges were simply not there.  Names of roads have changed accordingly to need and taste – I’m not sure that Pisspot Lane would still be allowed today!

Thanks to the drawing skill of artist Jon Harris, I am now able to give you an insight into the Cambridge that Gregory would have known.  Please feel free to download the map for your own interest – and it will appear in future Gregory Hardiman books.

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